who we are

Detailed Information about company

import export goods

Our Customs Brokers help ease Import and Export regulations and paperwork in record time for all of your shipments.

fast delivery network

Our global presence ensures that our customers enjoy a seamless service experience everywhere, every time and in every country.

well qualified staff

Our resourceful team of logistics professionals, an extensive global network and strong technological backing help us

Experience Leena Shipping

With freight forwarding as our core activity, we have diversified into logistics, removals, project cargo forwarding and outbound logistics; complementary services requiring similar infrastructure and capabilities.

  • worldwide locations
  • 24/7 customer support
  • faster & affordable
  • quality & commitment
  • latest vehicle fleets
  • 100% satisfied customers

our strategy

Innovation is one of our core strengths. we offer you customized options which add flexibility and value to your supply chain making us one of the most distinctive Freight Forwarding Companies in the industry.

mission & vision

At Freight Systems, customer experience will always be the heart of our operations. Our approach to work is simple and improve the speed at which services are brought to the customer’s work place. We strive to achieve excellence for all our customer’s needs.

24/7 call us
+971 4 359 7718
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